Health Care Quality Assessment

Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) are an "Outcome of Care" measure specifically intended to measure the occurrence rate of potentially preventable complications or adverse events that patients experience during their hospital stays.

Though some incidents reported through the Patient Safety Reporting System may eventually be reflected in that year's PSI data, PSIs are not directly connected to the Patient Safety Reporting System. Learn more.

you have come to the wrong place. This site is for health professionals who want to confidentially report medical errors that have occurred at their facility and to learn how to prevent a reoccurrence. If you have come to this page in error, please visit the PSI web site to learn more.

Patient Safety Reporting System

In February 2005, the New Jersey Department of Health (DOH) established the Patient Safety Reporting System (PSRS) in compliance with the Patient Safety Act N.J.S.A. 26:2H-12.23-12.25. The statute was designed to improve patient safety in all NJ healthcare facilities by creating a confidential reporting system that allows healthcare facilities to report adverse events and associated root cause analyses (RCAs) to the DOH. The statute can be accessed through the following link:

The system is intended to foster a non-punitive culture focusing on improving processes rather than assigning blame. To interpret and implement the Patient Safety Act, the DOH adopted N.J.A.C. 8:43E-10 in August 2008. The rules can be accessed through the following link: .

The following facilities are currently required to report serious preventable adverse events to DOH:

Serious preventable adverse events and associated RCAs are reported electronically. RCAs are reviewed by DOH clinical staff who work collaboratively with healthcare facilities to identify the underlying causes and implement strategies to prevent similar events.

Annual Summary Reports

Report a Serious Preventable Adverse Event

All facility staff who are reporting events must be registered through the Department’s electronic reporting system.