Formal letter of request to the mayor sample

Writing a Formal letter of request to the mayor is the perfect channel of communication to bring his attention to the issues you have identified or to offer solutions to problems community is facing.

Thanks to his political power, mayor is most likely in the position to solve or partially solve your problem. Therefore you should show some level of respect in your Formal letter of request to the mayor.

Good Formal letter of request to the mayor is more likely to solve your issue than a bad one, and therefore it is important to pay a lot of attention when writing this letter.

In general the format of the Formal letter of request to the mayor should be the same as when writing business letter. We recommend you to use block format because it more formal.

What to include in the Formal letter of request to the mayor?

When writing request letter to a mayor, it is important to incorporate following information in your letter.

  1. Introduce yourself (or introduce the group of people on whose behalf you are writing). Keep this section as short as possible, preferably 1 – 3 sentences long.
  2. Describe precisely your concerns, questions and ideas, for example when you have noticed the problem, where, how it troubles you, etc. Be detailed and evocative to the highest possible extent.
  3. Suggest the solution / action to be taken by the City, which will resolve your issue, or help to implement your ideas.
  4. Describe who is going to benefit from the implementation of proposed action (s). Moreover, you should also describe how this action is going to improve yours and life of others in your community.
  5. If you are aware that there are some obstacles in taking proposed action, dedicate one part of your letter to justify your position on particular issue. Are there any citizens or groups who will not appreciate your proposed action, why?

These are the most important information to be included in the Formal letter of request to the mayor. Use the last paragraph to thank the mayor and acknowledge his dedication to reviewing your request. Close the letter with regards.

Formal letter of request to the mayor sample

Below we have provided one sample of the Formal letter of request to the mayor. This letter of request is submitted by the group of citizens gathered in one NGO who would like to bring mayor’s attention to ecology issues in the community.

They also propose implementation of the project which will tackle the issue of pollution and waste in the community.

Mr. Jeff Longwell

City of Wichita

Re: Letter of request

Honorable Mr. Longwell,

We are writing this letter to inquire about the progress of our request aimed on raising public awareness for the citizens of Wichita, Kansas regarding the protection of the environment.

On 20 June, 2017 we have sent you a Letter of request in which we have proposed you a development of smartphone application, which will help to create a green map of Wichita. As we have informed you before, we have learned about application on peer exchange visit to Rapid City in Dakota, whose citizens are already benefiting from their use for 2 years.

The project and potential map of Green Wichita City we have already presented to the youth who are members of our organization and we plan to present information about projects to the schools in the city as soon as the project is approved.

Since taking care for the environment is essential for our community and World in general we urge you to take the prompt action regarding our request.

Should you need any more information about the project, please do not hesitate to contact us. Nevertheless, we would highly appreciate to meet you in person and present you our project and potential benefits for the Wichita community.

Thank you for your time,