Academic Policies

The unit of credit is the semester course. One course credit (the equivalent of four semester hours of credit) is awarded upon the completion of a semester course, and up to two credits for a yearlong course. Fractional credit may be awarded for courses that involve less than a semester’s work and these fractional credits may also be divided across two semesters. These regulations govern the earning of course credits:

Transfer Credit from Other Institutions and Programs

Wheaton College accepts transfer credits from any regionally accredited institution toward the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees (B.S.N. students refer to the Nursing Student Handbook for specific information on transfer credits), whether taught online or in person. Students can transfer up to a maximum of 16 credits from any of the four categories combined as outlined in the table below. 16 Wheaton credits are equivalent to 4 semesters of Wheaton course work. Transfer credit may be used to fulfill any optional scholars program requirement(s) under the Compass curriculum.

Wheaton College operates on a 32-credit system. Each Wheaton credit is equivalent to 4 semester hours. The amount of credit accepted for course work taken from within other systems, therefore, will be determined by a calculation. This calculation may result in an award of fractional credit (see examples below). Also, please note that only credits transfer, not grades.

Type of Coursework or Test

Documents Required for Official Transfer Credit Evaluation*

Grade/Score Requirements

Credit Limits (in Wheaton Credits)

Office Processing Review**

Coursework taken at other regionally accredited, degree-granting, U.S. institutions of higher education, including those taken while in high school in the U.S.

Official college transcripts

Advanced Placement (AP) Credits

CollegeBoard Official Scores

International Baccalaureate (IB) Credits

IB Score Report

Score of 5 or above in Higher Level (HL) courses

General Certificate of Education (British University A-Levels) or other thirteenth-year diploma programs

Official Certificate with Exam Grades

C or better in A-Level courses

Coursework taken at institutions of higher education outside the U.S.

Official college transcripts

Center for Global Education

*course descriptions and/or a syllabus may be requested to complete the evaluation

**reviews conducted in consultation with the appropriate Wheaton academic department chairs