Clackamas County Jail

Inmate photo

A current list of adults in custody housed at the Jail, their charges and bail.

Nurse assisting an inmate

Mental Health at the Jail

Resources and forms to help adults in custody with mental illness get the help they need.

Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

Making the prevention of sexual assault a top priority.

You are not alone.

Jail Suicide-Prevention Resources

If you or someone you know in the Clackamas County Jail is thinking about suicide, contact our jail staff immediately.

VISOR (Victim Information System in ORegon)

Providing crime victims with automated notifications on custody status changes.

Jail Policies

Get Involved

Clackamas County Jail

Jail Tours

An escorted tour through the facility to see the various areas and functions of the Jail.

Clackamas County Jail

Volunteer at the Jail

Volunteers offer their time, talents and indispensable professional expertise.

Frequently Asked Questions

An adult in custody is being arraigned. What time will that occur?

Normally, those lodged in the Clackamas County Jail will appear in Clackamas County Circuit Court via video arraignment at 3 p.m. and those not lodged in the jail and ordered to appear in front of a judge will have arraignments at 1:30 pm.

An adult in custody was released at court what time could I expect them to be released from the jail?

Depending on caseload and receiving all the necessary paperwork from the court, an adult in custody released at arraignment can expect to leave the jail between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.

I do not know who my appointed attorney is. How do I find out who my attorney is?

Contact Clackamas Indigent Defense Corporation at or call at 503-722-4000.

How do I contact the parole and probation officer of an adult in custody?

Parole and probation functions are separate from the jail. For questions concerning parole and probation you can call 503-655-8603.

Does an adult in custody need money to purchase hygiene items?

No — the jail supplies all hygiene items. It is the policy of the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office to require adult in custody hygiene in the facility by encouraging personal hygiene among adults in custody, issuing personal hygiene material, providing for proper hygiene in the facility and by proper disposal of all waste materials. Each adult in custody is supplied hygiene items such as soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, clean linen, toiletries and razors.

Where is the Clackamas County Courthouse and phone number?

The Clackamas County Courthouse is located at 807 Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon 97045. The following is a list of phone numbers for state court services in Clackamas County.

Small Claims503-655-8447
Traffic Information503-655-8453
Criminal case information503-650-3036
All other cases503-655-8447
Jury information line503-655-8389
Trial Court Administrator503-655-8670
Clackamas County District Attorney503-655-8431

I think I have a warrant — who do I talk to?

To check for warrants and information on turning yourself in call the Warrant Line at 503-722-6691.

Can I give a message to an adult in custody?

Yes. You can leave a voicemail message for about the price of a local phone call. Call 866-516-0115 and follow the automated instructions. The Clackamas County Jail staff do not relay messages for adults in custody, either in writing or by directing/connecting telephone calls. To communicate with an adult in custody, you can either leave a message as outlined above, send a letter via the U.S. Postal Service, or wait for an adult in custody to contact you by telephone.

What type of healthcare does the jail provide for adults in custody?

The Clackamas County Jail has a staffed medical department which the adults in custody have access. When the screening, the examination, and/or the diagnosis of an adult in custody medical issue is completed and a need for health care is revealed, a treatment plan will be developed, recorded and initiated. All adult in custody health care at the jail is delivered by qualified health care professionals who are required to meet the same certifications and licensure requirements as do health care professionals who provide services to persons not incarcerated. The jail has registered nurses, staffing the medical clinic, 24 hours a day, 7days a week, who are certified and licensed in the State of Oregon.

Are adults in custody charged for healthcare services?

Yes, a co-pay is charged for adult in custody-initiated medical services, both within and without the jail clinic. Adults in custody shall accept financial responsibility for health care while in custody of the Clackamas County Jail. However, no adult in custody will ever be denied emergency medical treatment or health care needs for serious medical issues based on ability to pay. Co-pays are determined by jail administration and subject to change.

Can I get information concerning an adult in custody's medical problems?

No, it is the policy of the Clackamas County Jail that all information pertaining to an adult in custody's healthcare is kept confidential due to HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations. Healthcare records are limited to the following:

An adult in custody has been sentenced to enter and complete work release where do I find information about work release?

Work release is a separate function and ran independently from the jail. To contact work release call 503-655-8262 or visit their website.