Students who were previously enrolled as degree-seeking students, did not graduate from UM-Dearborn, and have not registered for any courses at UM-Dearborn during a 12-month period must apply for readmission in order to resume studies here. Students should complete the online Readmission form. The submission deadlines are posted on the CASL Advising home page. This deadline exists to ensure that readmit students can receive accurate advising prior to registration. Readmission forms cannot be submitted after the deadline.
Students who are approved for readmission must meet with a CASL advisor prior to registration. A hold will be placed on the student's record that will prevent registration. That hold will be lifted during the appointment.
If you took courses at another college or university while you were away from UM-Dearborn you should submit an unofficial transcript with your Readmission form. After readmission, you will have a registration hold until an official transcript is received. Have the official transcript sent directly to Undergraduate Admissions at [email protected] .